Because what Buddha ancestors ride on are flowers in the sky, the Buddha world and all Buddha dharma are flowers in the sky—Eihei Dōgen
We warmly welcome you to Sky Flower Zen, an online Zen meditation group affiliated with the Boundless Way Zen Temple community. Our community is open to all: beginners and experienced practitioners, confirmed Buddhists, seekers, and those with other religious affiliations or beliefs, and people of all ages, racial or ethnic identities, gender identities and sexual orientations, regardless of socio-economic class, educational background, or physical ability.
Come join us as we explore Zen Buddhist teachings, discover our own inborn wisdom and compassion through meditation and other traditional forms of Zen practice, and seek to express our full humanity in a world of constant change.
What to Expect
If you are new to the practice of Zen meditation, feel free to arrange for a brief orientation by emailing us here:
If you have participated in any Boundless Way Zen Temple group, whether online or in person, you will find our format familiar and will not need an orientation. If you have practiced Zen with a group outside of Boundless Way Zen Temple, you might consider showing up 10 minutes early so that we can briefly explain our particular practice forms.
Please see as well our First Visit page.
Meetings will begin with a very brief liturgy service and include two periods of sitting meditation, or one period followed by a dharma talk. Dharma talks will generally be given on the first and third Saturdays of the month; one-on-one practice interview (dokusan) opportunities will be available on the second and fourth Saturdays.
How and When to Find Us
Sky Flower Zen meets online every Saturday at 9 a.m Eastern Time. via Zoom at this link:
Meeting ID: 868 6011 6447
Passcode: 3refuges
Meetings end by 10 a.m. On occasion, we will feature a second hour from 10-11 a.m. devoted to discussing Zen and poetry, Zen texts from our sutra book, or other topics. The second hour will be optional, and one may come for the second hour only.
To receive updates on these online events, sign up for our email list by sending a message including the term “subscribe” to

The Sky Flower Zen Academy in Emeishan, China, dating from the Qing Dynasty.