Exploring Retreats

Day-long in-person retreats are held in Newton, MA and at the Boundless Way Temple in Worcester. Multi-day retreats take place at the Boundless Way Temple in Worcester 4 or more times a year, currently in April, July-August, October,  and December. They range from 3-7 days in length.

Day-long or multi-day retreats are an unparalleled way to deepen your understanding of Zen, and connect more fully with yourself, the teachers, and the community. Everyone is encouraged to come to retreats.

Day-long retreats are a great place to start, or if you are one to dive right into the deep end, you can sign up for a multi-day retreat, known as a sesshin.

Morning Star Zen and Henry David Thoreau Zen Sanghas of Newton will announce via their email lists multiple day-long sits and local sesshins as well. These announcements will be forwarded via the Sky Flower Zen email list. To be added to this list, just send a message including the term “subscribe” to skyflowerzen@gmail.org.