
Sky Flower Zen Sangha is a Boundless Way Zen Temple practice group. Boundless Way Zen Temple is a 501(c)3 non-profit religious organization, entirely supported through the financial contributions of its members and friends. Donations to Boundless Way Zen Temple are tax-deductible and can be made by check or online.

Donate On-line

If you wish to support Boundless Way Zen Temple and Sky Flower Zen Sangha, click the link below:

Boundless Way Zen Temple – Donation

(In the “add a note” box on PayPal, you may write “Sky Flower Zen.”)

Donate by Check

Alternatively, you can mail a check made out to “Boundless Way Zen Temple” to:

  • Boundless Way Zen Temple — Donation
  • Att: Treasurer
  • 1030 Pleasant Street
  • Worcester MA 01602
  • (Please write “Sky Flower Zen” in the memo section of your check)

Anyone who practices with a Boundless Way Zen Temple sangha and contributes annually to Boundless Way Zen Temple may apply for membership to BWZT. You will find an online application form at the BWZT “Membership” page.