Preparing for a First Visit
Sky Flower Zen meets every Saturday morning from 9 to 10 a.m. If you have attended a virtual Zen practice meeting with any Boundless Way Zen Temple group (including the Temple itself), you will find our forms familiar and should be able to settle right in.
If You Are New to Zen:
Please arrange for a brief (15 minute) Zoom orientation with a teacher or practice leader by emailing and including “orientation” in the header or message body. If this is not possible, please arrive ten minutes early and we will provide a quick orientation.
Here some basics to keep in mind: we prefer that you keep your Zoom camera on for the full hour so that we can all see as well as hear one another. The screen should show primarily your face and torso; you may need to raise your computer or other device on a footstool or box to get a good angle.
In Boundless Way Zen Temple we sit for 25 minutes at a time, silent, still, and unmoving. Find a place where you will not be distracted by others and where you will not need to engage with them. Whether you sit on a chair or cushion on the floor (both are fine), find a position you can commit to for 25 minutes, with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. (If you are physically unable to sit, please contact us in advance and we will be sure to include you.) We sit with eyes loosely open and our hands together in a “mudra” we will show you. We stay in our places and try not to look about, scratch, or fidget, so that we can observe our mind’s movements in the absence of the usual distractions.
We recommend this brief Introduction to Meditation by our fellow Zen teacher Ken Walkama.
If You Have Practiced Zen Meditation with a Group Outside the Boundless Way Zen Temple Community:
Please feel free to just show up on Zoom and practice with us. We do encourage you to come early or arrange for a brief Zoom orientation so that we can meet you and let you know about our particular forms, chants, and affiliations.
For All:
We invite you to “come as you are,” noting that you might want to avoid wearing anything flashy or otherwise distracting to those you will be (virtually) sitting with. All of our meetings are free of charge and open to everyone. If you feel so moved you will find a link (under Donate) to make contributions to our larger community, Boundless Way Zen Temple, which supports our online presence.